A Forum for Oracle E-business suite, Fusion professionals. It is an effort to make my blog a Knowledge repository and Solution Center which provides unique technical and functional solutions for EBS professionals.
Thursday, October 11, 2012
Active Party Relationships SQL query
-- SQL statement to derive Active Party relationships related to active account parties
SELECT hr.relationship_id, hr.subject_id,
hp.party_number subject_party_number, hr.subject_type,
subject_table_name, object_id,
hp.party_name Subject_Party_Name,
(SELECT party_number
FROM hz_parties
WHERE party_id = hr.object_id) object_party_number, object_type,
object_table_name, hr.party_id rel_party_id,
(SELECT party_number
FROM hz_parties
WHERE party_id = hr.party_id) rel_party_number, relationship_type,
relationship_code, directional_flag, direction_code, start_date,
FROM hz_relationships hr, hz_parties hp, hz_cust_accounts hca
WHERE hp.party_id = hca.party_id
AND hp.party_id = hr.subject_id
AND hr.object_id<>hr.subject_id
AND hr.status = 'A'
AND hp.status = 'A'
AND hr.directional_flag = 'F'
AND TRUNC (hr.end_date) >= TRUNC (SYSDATE)
AND hca.status = 'A';
Monday, October 1, 2012
How to derive/create code_combination_id(CCID) programatically using fnd_flex_ext.get_ccid
/* Function: xx_get_ccid_fnc */
/* Program desc: Program creates/derives ccid */
/* Finds combination_id for given concatenated segment values. */
/* Combination is automatically created if it does not already */ /* exist. */
/* Commit the transaction soon after calling this function since */
/*if a combination is created it will prevent other users creating*/
/* similar combinations on any flexfield until a commit is issued.*/
/*Returns positive combination_id or 0 and sets error if invalid. */
FUNCTION xx_get_ccid_fnc (p_segment1 IN OUT VARCHAR2,
p_segment2 IN OUT VARCHAR2,
p_segment3 IN OUT VARCHAR2,
p_segment4 IN OUT VARCHAR2,
p_segment5 IN OUT VARCHAR2,
p_segment6 IN OUT VARCHAR2,
p_start_date_active IN OUT DATE)
l_nsegs NUMBER := 6;
l_message VARCHAR2 (1000) := NULL;
l_coa_id NUMBER;
l_ledger_id NUMBER := fnd_profile.VALUE ('GL_SET_OF_BKS_ID');
acctarray apps.fnd_flex_ext.segmentarray;
ccid NUMBER := 0;
l_segment1 VARCHAR2 (30) := p_segment1;
l_segment2 VARCHAR2 (30) := p_segment2;
l_segment3 VARCHAR2 (30) := p_segment3;
l_segment4 VARCHAR2 (30) := p_segment4;
l_segment5 VARCHAR2 (30) := p_segment5;
l_segment6 VARCHAR2 (30) := p_segment6;
l_conc_segs VARCHAR2 (300);
l_start_date_active DATE := p_start_date_active;
l_account NUMBER := 0;
-- Concatenate GL Accounting Segment values
l_conc_segs :=
|| '.'
|| l_segment2
|| '.'
|| l_segment3
|| '.'
|| l_segment4
|| '.'
|| l_segment5
|| '.'
|| l_segment6;
--Creates New Accounting Combination if not exist
SELECT chart_of_accounts_id
INTO l_coa_id
FROM gl_ledgers
WHERE ledger_id = l_ledger_id;
--Print Concatenated segments
DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('Accounting-Segments Combination=>' || l_conc_segs);
-- Create/Derive code_combination_id using API
l_account :=
fnd_flex_ext.get_ccid (
application_short_name => 'SQLGL',
key_flex_code => 'GL#',
structure_number => l_coa_id,
validation_date => TRUNC (NVL (SYSDATE)),
concatenated_segments => l_conc_segs);
-- Get message
l_message := apps.fnd_message.get;
-- Print ccid/error details
IF l_account = 0
DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line (
'Cannot create CCID for Accounting-Segments=>'
|| l_conc_segs
|| ' , Error details=>'
|| l_message);
DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('Following CCID is created=>' || l_account);
DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('Error in xx_get_ccid_fnc=>' || SQLERRM);
END xx_get_ccid_fnc;
/* Function: xx_get_ccid_fnc */
/* Program desc: Program creates/derives ccid */
/* Finds combination_id for given concatenated segment values. */
/* Combination is automatically created if it does not already */ /* exist. */
/* Commit the transaction soon after calling this function since */
/*if a combination is created it will prevent other users creating*/
/* similar combinations on any flexfield until a commit is issued.*/
/*Returns positive combination_id or 0 and sets error if invalid. */
FUNCTION xx_get_ccid_fnc (p_segment1 IN OUT VARCHAR2,
p_segment2 IN OUT VARCHAR2,
p_segment3 IN OUT VARCHAR2,
p_segment4 IN OUT VARCHAR2,
p_segment5 IN OUT VARCHAR2,
p_segment6 IN OUT VARCHAR2,
p_start_date_active IN OUT DATE)
l_nsegs NUMBER := 6;
l_message VARCHAR2 (1000) := NULL;
l_coa_id NUMBER;
l_ledger_id NUMBER := fnd_profile.VALUE ('GL_SET_OF_BKS_ID');
acctarray apps.fnd_flex_ext.segmentarray;
ccid NUMBER := 0;
l_segment1 VARCHAR2 (30) := p_segment1;
l_segment2 VARCHAR2 (30) := p_segment2;
l_segment3 VARCHAR2 (30) := p_segment3;
l_segment4 VARCHAR2 (30) := p_segment4;
l_segment5 VARCHAR2 (30) := p_segment5;
l_segment6 VARCHAR2 (30) := p_segment6;
l_conc_segs VARCHAR2 (300);
l_start_date_active DATE := p_start_date_active;
l_account NUMBER := 0;
-- Concatenate GL Accounting Segment values
l_conc_segs :=
|| '.'
|| l_segment2
|| '.'
|| l_segment3
|| '.'
|| l_segment4
|| '.'
|| l_segment5
|| '.'
|| l_segment6;
--Creates New Accounting Combination if not exist
SELECT chart_of_accounts_id
INTO l_coa_id
FROM gl_ledgers
WHERE ledger_id = l_ledger_id;
--Print Concatenated segments
DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('Accounting-Segments Combination=>' || l_conc_segs);
-- Create/Derive code_combination_id using API
l_account :=
fnd_flex_ext.get_ccid (
application_short_name => 'SQLGL',
key_flex_code => 'GL#',
structure_number => l_coa_id,
validation_date => TRUNC (NVL (SYSDATE)),
concatenated_segments => l_conc_segs);
-- Get message
l_message := apps.fnd_message.get;
-- Print ccid/error details
IF l_account = 0
DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line (
'Cannot create CCID for Accounting-Segments=>'
|| l_conc_segs
|| ' , Error details=>'
|| l_message);
DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('Following CCID is created=>' || l_account);
DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('Error in xx_get_ccid_fnc=>' || SQLERRM);
END xx_get_ccid_fnc;
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