--SQL Statement to get AME Rules based on a condition across transaction types
-- Parameter:P_AME_CONDITION -- Input condition name(partial-match works)
A Forum for Oracle E-business suite, Fusion professionals. It is an effort to make my blog a Knowledge repository and Solution Center which provides unique technical and functional solutions for EBS professionals.
Sunday, June 22, 2014
SQL Statement to fetch AME Rules based on a condition across different transaction types
SELECT ame.rulename,ame.creation_date,
ame.condition_and_action "condition/action",
atl.val "Condition_Desc"
FROM (SELECT r.description rulename, r.creation_date,
condition_id, 'Condition' condition_and_action,
ame_utility_pkg.get_condition_description (condition_id) val,
NULL action_type
FROM ame_rules_tl rtl, ame_rules r, ame_condition_usages cu
WHERE r.rule_id = rtl.rule_id
AND cu.rule_id = r.rule_id
SELECT DISTINCT r.description rulename, r.creation_date,
a.action_id, 'Action' condition_and_action,
atl.description val,
actl.user_action_type_name action_type
FROM ame_rules_tl rtl,
ame_rules r,
ame_action_usages au,
ame_actions a,
ame_actions_tl atl,
ame_action_types act,
ame_action_types_tl actl
WHERE r.rule_id = rtl.rule_id
AND au.rule_id = r.rule_id
AND au.action_id = a.action_id
AND a.action_id = atl.action_id
AND act.action_type_id = actl.action_type_id
AND act.action_type_id = a.action_type_id
) ame
WHERE ame_utility_pkg.get_condition_description (condition_id) LIKE '%&P_AME_CONDITION%'
ORDER BY rulename, condition_and_action DESC;
Cloned date of Oracle application and Version
--Query to get Version
SELECT product, version, status
FROM product_component_version;
--Query to get cloned date of an oracle instance
SELECT resetlogs_time,name
FROM v$database;
Select statement to derive all the POs, Reqs delegated by user/s with WF Admin privileges in Oracle EBS
--Query to fetch all the
POs,Requisitions delegated by User with WF Admin privileges
-- p_po_or_req_num -- Input
PO/Requisition Number (Optional parameter)
-- p_delegated_by_racfid --
Input RACFID of person who delegated the PO/Requisitions (Optional parameter)
-- p_delegate_from_date --
Input date to fetch records on/after the input date(Defaults to 03/Aug/2014 if
left blank)
SELECT papf2.full_name, pah3.sequence_num seq, pah3.action_code,
pha.segment1, pah3.object_type_code, pah3.note,
pah3.last_update_date, fu.user_name delegated_by,
delegated_by_person, fu1.user_name delegated_from,
delegated_from_person, fu.employee_id,
pah3.employee_id, prh.wf_item_key
FROM hr.per_all_people_f papf2,
po.po_action_history pah3,
po.po_headers_all pha,
fnd_user fu,
fnd_user fu1,
po_requisition_headers_all prh
WHERE pah3.employee_id = papf2.person_id
AND pah3.last_updated_by = fu.user_id
AND pah3.object_id = pha.po_header_id
AND pah3.employee_id = fu1.employee_id
AND TRUNC (SYSDATE) BETWEEN papf2.effective_start_date
AND papf2.effective_end_date
AND pah3.action_code = 'DELEGATE'
AND TRUNC (pah3.action_date) >= NVL(:p_delegate_from_date,'01-JAN-1951')
AND pah3.object_type_code = 'REQUISITION'
AND pah3.object_id = prh.requisition_header_id
AND fu.user_name = NVL (:p_delegated_by_racfid, fu.user_name)
AND prh.segment1 = NVL (:p_po_or_req_num, prh.segment1)
SELECT papf2.full_name, pah3.sequence_num seq, pah3.action_code,
pha.segment1, pah3.object_type_code, pah3.note,
pah3.last_update_date, fu.user_name delegated_by,
delegated_by_person, fu1.user_name delegated_from,
delegated_from_person, fu.employee_id,
pah3.employee_id, prh.wf_item_key
FROM hr.per_all_people_f papf2,
po.po_action_history pah3,
po.po_headers_all pha,
fnd_user fu,
fnd_user fu1,
WHERE pah3.employee_id = papf2.person_id
AND pah3.last_updated_by = fu.user_id
AND pah3.object_id = pha.po_header_id
AND pah3.employee_id = fu1.employee_id
AND TRUNC (SYSDATE) BETWEEN papf2.effective_start_date
AND papf2.effective_end_date
AND pah3.action_code = 'DELEGATE'
AND TRUNC (pah3.action_date) >= NVL(:p_delegate_from_date,'01-JAN-1951')
AND pah3.object_type_code = 'PO'
AND pah3.object_id = prh.po_header_id
AND prh.segment1 = NVL (:p_po_or_req_num, prh.segment1)
AND fu.user_name = NVL (:p_delegated_by_racfid, fu.user_name)
Saturday, May 24, 2014
How to fetch Oracle AME Rule details based on Condition for across transaction types(SQL QUERY)
--SQL Statement to get AME Rules based on a condition across transaction types
-- Parameter:P_AME_CONDITION -- Input condition name(partial-match works)
SELECT ame.rulename,ame.creation_date,
ame.condition_and_action "condition/action",
atl.val "Condition_Desc"
FROM (SELECT r.description rulename, r.creation_date,
condition_id, 'Condition' condition_and_action,
ame_utility_pkg.get_condition_description (condition_id) val,
NULL action_type
FROM ame_rules_tl rtl, ame_rules r, ame_condition_usages cu
WHERE r.rule_id = rtl.rule_id
AND cu.rule_id = r.rule_id
SELECT DISTINCT r.description rulename, r.creation_date,
a.action_id, 'Action' condition_and_action,
atl.description val,
actl.user_action_type_name action_type
FROM ame_rules_tl rtl,
ame_rules r,
ame_action_usages au,
ame_actions a,
ame_actions_tl atl,
ame_action_types act,
ame_action_types_tl actl
WHERE r.rule_id = rtl.rule_id
AND au.rule_id = r.rule_id
AND au.action_id = a.action_id
AND a.action_id = atl.action_id
AND act.action_type_id = actl.action_type_id
AND act.action_type_id = a.action_type_id
) ame
WHERE ame_utility_pkg.get_condition_description (condition_id) LIKE '%&P_AME_CONDITION%'
ORDER BY rulename, condition_and_action DESC;
How to remove Scientific Notation for a numeric value in Toad for Oracle
How to remove Scientific Notation for a numeric value in
Toad in Oracle
Example of Scientific Notation:-
View/Toad Options/Data Grids/Data
Uncheck "Display large numbers in Scientific Notation" checkbox as mentioned below:-
Run the query again to view full numeric value in the result:-
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