Note:- Standard Package "FND_PROFILE_OPTION_VALUES_PKG" can be used to
insert/update/delete profile option values at various levels.
Application Name,Responsibility Name, User Name if a profile is setup at each of the respective level:
- User_Profile_Option_Name(can give partial value)
- P_level_id(Values should be as mentioned from the below level_ids)
- 10001 - Site
- 10002 - Application
- 10003 - Responsibility
- 10004 - User
- 10005 - Server
- 10007 - Organization
SELECT fpot.user_profile_option_name AS "USER_PROFILE_OPTION_NAME",
DECODE (level_id,
'10001', 'Site',
'10002', 'Application',
'10003', 'Responsibility',
'10004', 'User',
'10005', 'Server',
'10007', 'Organization'
fpov.profile_option_value AS "Value", fpo.profile_option_name,
SUBSTR (fat.application_name, 1, 20) AS "Application",
(SELECT responsibility_name
FROM fnd_responsibility_tl frt
WHERE frt.responsibility_id = fpov.level_value
AND fpov.level_id = 10003) "Responsibility",
(SELECT user_name
FROM fnd_user fu
WHERE user_id = fpov.level_value
AND fpov.level_id = 10004) "User"
FROM fnd_profile_options fpo,
fnd_profile_options_tl fpot,
fnd_application_tl fat,
fnd_profile_option_values fpov
WHERE fpo.application_id = fat.application_id
AND fpov.application_id = fat.application_id
AND fpov.profile_option_id = fpo.profile_option_id
AND fpo.profile_option_name = fpot.profile_option_name
AND fpov.level_id = NVL (&p_level_id, fpov.level_id)
AND UPPER (fpot.user_profile_option_name) LIKE
NVL (UPPER ('%&User_Profile_Option_Name%'),
UPPER (fpot.user_profile_option_name)