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Search for Title - OTL Information Types, Code is "APPROVAL"
Search for Title - OTL Information Types, Code is "APPROVAL"
Following query will list out all the Approvers for a given time period :-
Parameters: P_START_DATE -- Timecard building block start date
P_END_DATE -- Timecard building block end date
SELECT tbs.timecard_id timecard_id, haps.application_period_id,
haps.application_period_ovn, ppx.person_id approver_id,
ppx.employee_number approver_empnum, ppx.full_name approver_name,
ppxr.person_id resource_id, ppxr.employee_number resource_emp_num,
ppxr.full_name resource_emp_name
FROM hxc_app_period_summary haps,
hxc_timecard_summary tbs,
hxc.hxc_tc_ap_links htal,
per_people_x ppx,
per_people_x ppxr
WHERE 1 = 1
AND htal.timecard_id = tbs.timecard_id
AND htal.application_period_id = haps.application_period_id
AND haps.resource_id = tbs.resource_id
AND haps.approver_id = ppx.person_id
AND haps.start_time BETWEEN ppx.effective_start_date AND ppx.effective_end_date
AND TRUNC (haps.start_time) = TRUNC (tbs.start_time)
AND TRUNC (haps.stop_time) = TRUNC (tbs.stop_time)
AND ppxr.person_id = tbs.resource_id
AND TRUNC (tbs.start_time) BETWEEN TO_DATE (:p_start_date, 'DD-MON-RRRR')
AND TO_DATE (:p_end_date, 'DD-MON-RRRR')
AND haps.application_period_ovn =
(SELECT MAX (application_period_ovn)
FROM hxc_app_period_summary
WHERE application_period_id = haps.application_period_id)
ORDER BY 1, 2;
Following query will list out all the Overriding approvers for a given time period :-
Parameters: P_START_DATE -- Timecard building block start date
P_END_DATE -- Timecard building block end date
SELECT tau.time_building_block_id,
ppx.person_id override_approver_personid,
ppx.employee_number override_approver_empnum,
ppx.full_name ovverride_approver_name,
ppxr.person_id Resource_id,
ppxr.EMPLOYEE_NUMBER Resource_Emp_Num,
ppxr.full_name Resource_Emp_Name
FROM hxc_time_attributes ta,
hxc_time_attribute_usages tau,
hxc_time_building_blocks tbb,
hxc_bld_blk_info_types bbi,
per_people_x ppx,
per_people_x ppxr
WHERE tbb.time_building_block_id = tau.time_building_block_id
AND tbb.object_version_number = tau.time_building_block_ovn
AND ta.time_attribute_id = tau.time_attribute_id
AND ta.attribute10 IS NOT NULL
AND bbi.bld_blk_info_type ='APPROVAL'
AND bbi.bld_blk_info_type_id = ta.bld_blk_info_type_id
AND ppxr.person_id = tbb.resource_id
AND tbb.resource_type = 'PERSON'
AND TO_NUMBER (ta.attribute10) = ppx.person_id
AND ta.attribute_category = 'APPROVAL'
AND tbb.approval_style_id = 1
AND (tbb.start_time) BETWEEN TO_DATE (:p_start_date, 'DD-MON-RRRR')
AND TO_DATE (:p_end_date, 'DD-MON-RRRR')
AND tbb.object_version_number =
(SELECT MAX (object_version_number)
FROM hxc_time_building_blocks
WHERE tbb.time_building_block_id = time_building_block_id
AND tbb.approval_style_id = approval_style_id);
ReplyDeleteWe have a Project based timesheet approval mechanism, but now our client wants to define Task Manager for each of the task under project and wants to send the timesheet for approval to Task Manager's, so I created a new FF based on the existing Override Approver WF Person Mechanism (Seeded Approval) FF but its not working, my FF returns the correct value but WF goes into error if I pass Task Manager ID.
Do you have any idea what could be the possible reason for it?
These queries are amazingly helpful. Thank you so much for sharing them.